schnauzer noses

when I got my white schnauzer she had a black nose. now it looks like the black color has gone pink or light brown is that normal?

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Yes, noses can change colour. Plastic can also change a dog's nose colour, so metal bowls are better.) You can feed her a natural supplement like zinc or seaweed powder to make her nose black.

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Jan 26, 2014
Schnauzers nose :-)
by: W.Raeburn

When a dog or bitch gets neutered at the vet. This causes their nose to change colour. It's quite normal.
Not heard of that before!

Jan 26, 2014
Schnauzers nose :-)
by: W.Raeburn

When a dog or bitch gets neutered at the vet. This causes their nose to change colour. It's quite normal.

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