Schnauzer puppy carries toy and cries - why?

by Ginny
(Missouri, USA)

Our 5-month-old Schnauzer puppy has begun picking up one of her soft toys and running around the house crying.
Her tail is wagging as she does this, but she won't come to us.
This often happens after a meal or when we return home and she first comes out of her kennel, but sometimes it just happens out of the blue. It is not always the same toy.
I have wondered if it is excitement or if her teeth are hurting. My vet and a trainer have never heard of this.
Any ideas?

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Feb 14, 2021
Schnauzer puppy carries toy and cries - why?
by: Deb

She doesn't cry but after dinner is all done she carries her favorite toy back and forth room to room in a little trot. Sometimes it seems like she is trying to bury it in the dog bed.
I think the comment before is probably right, schnauzers do some funny things. My girl will soon be 5 yrs old.
By the way, my girl will poop into the waste bag when I put it under her butt. That's my schnauzer baby!

Sep 19, 2019
excessive saliva too??
by: Anonymous

Well, it seems nobody has come across an explanation for this behavior. I have noticed that in addition to the wandering around with the toy and whining, that whichever toy Schaeffer's carrying it will be very wet with saliva. This suggests he might be feeling nauseous during these episodes. Anyone else experiencing this with their pup??

Aug 27, 2019
any explanations for this behavior?
by: Rob

I realize this is an old thread, but did anyone find out what caused this behavior after eating?
NOTE FROM LINDA, it could be a Schnauzer behaviour quirk. They do some strange things sometimes.
It could be that he or she is either happy or a bit insecure.

Dec 20, 2014
Hiding toy
by: pam

I've read with interest about the Schnauzer and his after eating habits and also report that our Bischon Frise does exactly the same, always after eating, he finds his toy skunk, gently folds it and starts his ritual, goes to the French windows cries, if the weather is warm he goes outside with it , brings it back and we have to hide whilst he stares at it, if he's happy with his choice of hiding that's fine, if not he will continue to walk around the house crying, Skunk comes to bed with him.

Yes,they have some strange habits. Anyway, your Bichon is not alone, Max does it too not after eating, but if we have left him alone in the house, he does this on our return.

Nov 17, 2014
Cry with toy in mouth
by: Anonymous

We have a one year old Shih tuz and he got this one little toy as a puppy and we named her BEBE, this is the only toy that he will ever so gentle fold up in his mouth and walk around and cry with it in his mouth, he finds a spot for her and hides her, but if he is not too happy with his spot, he will go back and get her and find another one or he will bring her to us and cry like crazy...This is the only time we ever hear him cry and it is such a sad cry it makes us a little nervous as to why he does this, but for the most part we think he is trying to be protective with her.

Jun 22, 2012
save it for later
by: lumi

I have a 8 y o schnauzer (male) and he does that with things he wants to play (but not now). He carries them all around the house, whining, passing everybody back and forth. I kind of figure it out that he stops, after he finds a "safe" place to deposit them. So I encouraged him to put the toy behind a big pillow on the couch. I think you know how many things I have to retrieve from the couch every night :)
Once he deposits them, he is fine (stops whining). It might be their way of telling us they need a personal space for their stuff :)

Jan 21, 2012
Iggy, revisited
by: Pamela

Riwhit: I am the same Pamela who wrote about Iggy awhile back. Well, he's 2 1/2 now & he still does it. The pattern is exactly the same. It's usually in the evening, usually after he eats, but sometimes at odd hours on an empty stomach. I still worry that it's a health issue, that his stomach pains him, etc. But I am still as clueless as I was before. And each episode is short, and that hasn't changed either. However he has had a bout of pancreatis. It was diagnosed very early and it has not recurred. I did change his food to one shown to be better preventing pancreatitis. I have also thought that perhaps it is a slight flare-up of this after meals, but I can't prove it. So I do what I can...feed him high quality lower fat food and keep watch on his health. Still, no vet can explain this behavior to me.

Jan 21, 2012
It's not just Schnazuers
by: riwhit

I have an 8 month old cocker who loves her "Squeaky the Squirrel" (catch the name??)and her other noisy friends. She will play with it, lay it down and then cry. I was afraid she missed her brothers and sisters. But now I'm afraid that when she has puppies of her own, she'll try throwing them in the air too. I THINK IT'S TIME TO FIND SOME NO NOISE "friends" ! But still can't figure out why she cries when she has them in her posession.

Nov 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

Possibly a phantom pregnancy. It can be quite common in female dogs that haven't yet had a litter. Is she upset when you try to take the toys away from her?

May 10, 2011
shih tzu
by: Anonymous

My shih tzu is doing this right now! My other shih tzu didn't and my chow/retriever mix didn't either. Weird!

Dec 24, 2010
not just a schnauzer thing
by: Anonymous

I know this is an old thread, but still... I have a sheperd mix, he will sometimes do this with his stuffed toys, and frequently with his chewy treats - He whines while he is looking for a good place to hide/bury it. I will usually pile up a blanket on the couch so he can hide his toy under it, and then he can go relax for a bit. Sometimes he will go get it and find a second or third hiding place before relaxing, or sometimes he will just leave it hidden for a few minutes and then go get it and it ends there. But it is always about finding the perfect hiding spot.

Oct 21, 2010
This must be a Schnauzer thing
by: Pamela

My schnauzer does this as well. I have asked the vet, searched the web, etc., without seeing a definitive reason for his behavior. BUT, this behavior seems to be prevalent with the breed. My schnauzer is a happy, well adjusted, sweet and playful dog of one year. He has been doing this most of his life. When he started, it was with a rubber squeeky toy that he carried in his mouth while whining and crying. He wouldn't drop it, kept pacing through the house, would come up to us, but not want to be touched ot consoled. Finally I decided to hide this one toy and see if the behavior would stop. He instead just chose another favorite, a stuffed hedgehog. I no longer try to stop him, but just let each incident run its course...usually about 5 minutes. He does it everyday, usually in the evening. We say "Iggy is having his willies", and don't make anything of it anymore. I do wish I knew why though... He does seem distressed, and I'd like to help him get over it.

Aug 14, 2010
Schnauzer crying
by: Darl

Well I guess every dog can be different depending on birth surroundings. I do dog rehabilitation and found different folks ,diff strokes.My first schnauzer did the same thing at 5 months. When I came home from work and after a meal.Dogs hide bones for later when from a large litter.As pack leader I am to be in control of the delivery of food.Could it be there is no bone to hide as his DNA requires so the toy is the next best thing.One thing for sure I myself don,t believe its to be ignored. At these times I simply made sure there was always a long twine attached to his collar before the activity was even started.When wining proceeded I Called him{only once} and when he wouldn,t come I pulled on twine and walked towards him until I had him.I Took 5min and played with him to refocus him. As well as took the toy away.After 3 days of being consistent he quit.For dogs to be left winning to long can lead to an unhappy state of mind which can lead to other things we don,t like as they get older.That was 18 yrs ago and this has worked on many since.This twine how ever is always attached to my dogs from puppy till 7 or8 months so that when ever I call like his momma would do he learns to come even with out treats. he can,t run away cause you step on the twine .The end result the dog is happier and more content as well because he dose not have to be pack leader when you are already doing a good job.Hope this is your answer and helps. Consistency is the key.Call his name only once. Thats the hard part.Practice practice.good luck Darl

Oct 15, 2009
carrying toy and vocalizing
by: Alice

I have a 15 month old intact male schnauzer. He too brings out a fuzzy toy out of his crate and then whines and cries and rumbles etc. It doesn't last very long and then he carries on normally.
I simply ignore it. He isn't in pain or distress of any kind.He's just telling me how things are with him and that he is glad to be out and about.

Occasionally when he's been corrected he'll go get the toy and groom it or play at dominating it then he'll carry it around for a bit or play with it.

He's happy and healthy. He's just telling me like it is. I love him to bits. Everyone who meets him does. He give me a least one good laugh a day

Apr 13, 2009
Addition to last comment
by: Jennifer Beales

The last comment should have read "we try NOW to ignore her" instead of "we try not to ignore her!"

Apr 13, 2009
Schnauzer Puppy Crying
by: Jennifer Beales

Our schnauzer puppy does some funny things too, but she doesn't quite do this. It sounds like your dog is trying to please you and bring you a treat.
Our Schnauzer puppy does cry sometimes and follow us around - sometimes with something in her mouth. We don't think it is a distressed cry, it is more like excitement. we think she is doing it for attention and so we do not ignore her. Shr doesn't seem to do it so much when she is tired.

I know this might sound a bit harsh, but if your schnauzer puppy isn't distressed, have you tried ignoring her and seeing if that stops it?

I think schnauzers sometimes think they are humans and maybe she is doing it just to get your attention. When she feels secure in her new home and knows that you are there but not going to pander to her every whim, she might settle down.

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