scratching and itching

What will help my dog when he is itching?

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Jan 15, 2012
my ms itches a lot too!
by: Ashley

No no no its definitely not fleas that is making my Toto itch or bite at his skin/fur. He loves to get groomed but I think the shampoo that they use on him may dry out his skin because ive noticed some white flakes. When I bathe him at home I use a moisturizing shampoo and notice not near the itching he usually does. But ive only bathed him myself twice so I need to give it longer to make sure I have figured out the problem. Hes a rescued baby so we've only had him a little over 6 months. Im learning as I go about this little ball of energy! Is it too much to give him a bath once a week??

Jan 13, 2012
After flea check
by: Betsy, alpharetta, ga

Yes, make sure it isn't fleas first.

Many dogs have allergies that cause scratching.

My MS had this problem for some time. It took awhile, but I finally discovered that she was allergic to corn. I made sure she had no foods that contained the corn, or any grains, That helped but, she still had some itching problems. I then switched to a food that was not chicken based. Am now feeding fish based diet.

She does not scratch. And is a much happier dog.

Also, I added fish oil to her diet. Vet recommended it for all dogs because it is helpful not only to skin, but heart, etc. Just be sure to use a fish oil that is not a salmon based because fat content in salmon is too high for minis.

Jan 12, 2012
Itching Schnauzer !!
by: Michele

He could have .. FLEAS.. as these will make him itch and scratch. Have you de-flead him, with Frontline or Advantage.. the latter you have to get from the vet.. Frontline you can get from the Chemist.. I use Frontline every 2 months and never had a problem as my boys never scratch nor itch... and I bath them every 6 weeks unless they roll in something awful, eg.. Fox poo.. but they never do..

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