Searching for answer to strangest behavior - please help

by Jude Trafficano

Our household consist of me, my wife, Cee-Cee (our 5yr old)schnauzer we got when she was 8 weeks old and Jazz (our 4 yr old)Schnauzer we got when she was 7 weeks old.
Both are spayed and micro chipped. Current on all shots and is on flea and heart worm meds. Around the age of two Cee-Cee started to exhibit a behavior of being startled. This is when we got Jazz,She would take off as if the devil is after her. Then stop and turn her head to look at her rear end.
I video taped this to show our Vet. Our veterinarian did a complete physicial and couldn't find anything wrong with her. We took Cee-Cee to two other veterinarians for a second opinion.They couldn't find anything.Then to Louisiana State University, Veterinary Hospital. They examined her and did blood work. Found nothing.
We changed her diet.No change. My wife and I know something is wrong with my dog and we so feel helpless. My Cee-Cee seldom gets rest. Have you ever heard of this type of behavior ? If you need any more information please contact me.

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Aug 25, 2013
common occurance
by: Anonymous

My schnauzers both do this all the time. They totally startle themselves every time they pass gas. I think it's hilarious. I also have many neighbors and friends whose dogs (varied breeds and sizes) do this.

Mar 07, 2013
Possible urinary tract infection?
by: Anonymous

My Mini was doing this last summer. I was so upset and decided to watch her when we walked and noticed blood in her pee on the sidewalk. The vet gave me antibiotics and said she had a urinary tract infection and some female dogs get them all the time just like some women do.
It was suggested to me to wipe her bottom with a mild baby wipe after she went to the bathroom, but that is almost impossible. I got on a doggie site where you can buy supplies and got some UT Strength Canina Bit-Sized Chews that have cranberry in them.
I may be wrong, but since giving one to her every couple days, she has not done this strange behavior (since last summer, and it is now March).
Antibiotics are very expensive and I don't want my mini taking them unless there is no other way. Cranberry prevents urinary tract infections in women, so this makes sense. Also, my mini loves to ride with me for hours in her doggie seat, and I realized she was sitting on plastic that gets warm and encourages bacteria, so I put a small bath mat in the seat to prevent this. Try these is heartbreaking to see a poor dog act so desperate.

Feb 27, 2013
by: Phil Medway

Please excuse my answer I have no intention of being rude. Dogs have no concept of the bodily phenomena "wind" Some dogs do literally startle themselves when it happens and think something is happening behind them!

Feb 27, 2013
Odd behavior
by: Michele

How strange.. You say both girls have been spayed
and a few different vets have examined her
Has she had an XRay as maybe something
around her back end and where she has been
spayed is making her behave this way. I
Suggest an XRay.. Could be a phantom
Pregnancy Hope she is OK

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