Skin conditons

by catherine lorrain
(canada , Gatineau)

I know schnauzers are prone to having skin conditions.
My schnauzer has like a rash on his back wondering what i could put on it ?

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Oct 25, 2011
Schnauzer bumps
by: Anonymous

Our schnauzer is 8 years old and never had the bumps on his back until we started feeding him certain treats. Once we stopped giving her the treats, the bumps cleared up without any other treatment. If you google schnauzer bumps, you will find that it is a common problem associated with corn gluten. Just be careful what you give your schnauzer to eat.

Aug 24, 2011
Skin Conditions
by: Ann G

What your schnauzer has sounds exactly like what mine had on his back. Where it looks like a rash, my vet told me that it is similar to acne. She suggested that we put an astringent on it. I bought thew Stridex Naturals pad which contain no alcohol. Within a week, Charlie was no longer scratching or biting at his back and the bumps were gone.

I hope this helps!

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