Terry W

by 8-y-o mini wetting bed

Our 8 year old Schnauzer has started wetting the bed at night. This dog has been able to go for extended time periods without peeing 10-12 hours.
I take her out before we go to bed and she goes 2 or 3 times, sleeps all night when we get up her bed is wet.
She was sick 2 weeks ago, throwing up after visiting a doggie day care facility for 4 hours, lasted 3 days then she seemed to recover to normal.
Only thing odd with her is that she is drinking a lot of water, more than normal for her in the past.
Forgot to mention that we did take her to vet, checked her out no abnormalities, gave her injection for antibiotics, inflammation and pills for 5 days

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Jan 31, 2020
sorry to hear that
by: Linda

Hi Terry,
Drinking a lot probably means that she cannot hold her bladder for as long as she could, it's natural.
Does she wake you up or just pee on the bed?
It certainly sounds like she could have picked something up at the doggie day care.
Common problems are kidneys, diabetes and Cushing's disease. Has your vet checked for all these - ring and ask.
If he or she has and it was all clear, that's good news.
It could just be that she is getting older and her organs are not functioning as well as before.
Can you take her out every 5 or 6 hours -I suppose you would have to get up in the middle of the night?
Check with your vet and then let us know if you have any more info, we would really like to help if we can.
Good luck.

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