Throwing up and can't stand on back leg

My Schnauzer is throwing up, not eating or drinking, laying around and this morning was unable to stand up. My husband had to carry him out and slowly let him down to use the bathroom. This is the 3rd time this has happened.
The first time it lasted 2 days and then he was back to normal, 2nd time I took him to the Vet because it lasted so long and he couldn't stand at all.
The Vet told me that he may have hurt his back and when a dog hurt their back they loose control of their legs. He didn't give him any pain meds because he stated that he wanted my dog to be able to sit still and heal and if we gave him meds then he would think he was better and would become too active. This is the 3rd time this has happened.
I am considering taking him somewhere else. Has anyone else had this problem with their dog?

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Nov 25, 2014
Sounds like ADDISONS
by: Bob T

M Mini Schnoodle had like symptons and took a very good vet to figure it out . She would have
bouts when she would get dizzy and listless and not eat or drink and in a day or so she would be fine. On Dec 11 2011 at 7 years old she had an onset of ADDOSONS and I hospitalized her for 10 days and a lot of intravenous meds and rehydration. She dropped from 15lbs to 12 lbs in 10 days. It takes a really good vet to spot this condition because it can really mask itself. Nikki is 10.5 and doing fine now. Hope your baby gets better.

Apr 26, 2014
by: DebAnonymous

My snauzer had pancreatitis and we nearly lost her don't feed your dog human food at all and nothing with fat in it. I feed mine perscription diet fir breakfast and lunch then home made dog food at dinner time. Only feed small amounts at a time. I feed lean chicken or beef with vegtables and a small amount if over cooked rice. It's been 12 weeks now with no problems. Good luck and take care of your snauzer

Nov 15, 2013
Can't stand and throwing up.
by: Junebug

Schnauzers are prone to pancreatitis, the same thing happened to our 9yr. old last fall. A good experienced vet should recognize this immediately ours didn't and I ended up at a vet emergency hospital in the middle of the night. Thank goodness I did because she was going into shock. She stayed there 2 days and is now doing well on a home made low fat diet. I now have a new vet. Hope you got the right help.

Oct 26, 2013
Linda & Max
by: Michele

Thanks for that Linda, I appreciate your view.. but why not broccoli as it isn't a dangerous food.. it is supposed to be good for iron content in the body as I know in humans without iron , one can become anaemic.. I would love to know why you say this so I can alter their veggie intake with something different.. It's not often I ask for advice.. lol Michele .. email me if you would rather.

It seems there are varying opinions, the bottom line being don't feed them too much - check this out:

Oct 24, 2013
Poorly Schnauzer
by: Michele

How is your doggy now.. did you solve the problem.... Toni & Maria could be right... A fatty diet is not good.. My boys always get green veggies mixed in with their food.. Broccoli, Cabbage.. the hearty one, as they don't like the white one.. they get shaved carrots too.. all cooked.. I've never had a problem.. as they are on Nature-Diet and Royal Canin Mini..
Hope all's well now with your doggy..
Hi Michele, I'm not sure I would give them broccoli, it is one of the foods you're not supposed to feed dogs! Max must already know this as, before I learned it, I used to give him broccoli but he would never eat it!

Oct 19, 2013
Throwing up and can't stand on back leg
by: Toni

If Maria is right, and it is pancreatitis, you want to get that dog to a another vet for treatment - now! Also, if your dog (hopefully)does get well, DON'T be feeding fatty foods to the dog. My vet told me one hot dog can kill a Schnauzer as they do not handle fat well as other dogs. A good, high quality dog food will cost you more, but this is your dog (pay for the food or pay for the vet?). Table scraps should be infrequent, and good for your dog (like boiled lean chicken or beef with no gravy). My Mini likes apples, cooked green beans, squash, sweet potato, shaved carrots as well as the lean chicken and beef for treats. I hope by now you have solved the problem and your dog is doing well. Remember, your dog can't tell you what is wrong and is totally helpless without you. You don't want to lose your friend - take care of him.

Oct 18, 2013
Schnauzer - Throwing up
by: Maria

Yes get a second opinion. The sickness sounds like pancreatitis which schnauzers can be prone to get.

Oct 01, 2013
Throwing up and can't stand on back leg
by: Toni

Take him somewhere else. If there is a back damage problem, you want to know, before he becomes paralyzed. If you are not satisfied with a doctor, go elsewhere! It is your baby and your money! I would!

Oct 01, 2013
by: Michele

Your vet is talking Rubbish.. if that was happening to my boys my vet would definitely give him medication or even X-Ray him, but he certainly would not say that giving him medication would make him active so he would think he was better.. It seems that your vet is not qualified enough to be able to treat him.. If, as you say, he is throwing up that dehydrates him and also makes his tummy hurt every time he wretches.. and that is NOT good.. You MUST take him to another vet..

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