Times Change...

by Elizabeth
(Jacksonville (Tx.))

Dear Max and All Of My Cyber-Friends,
Where should I even begin. Times change but situations often do not. First, I am physically doing ok as to be expected with my host of medical problems. Some days are diamonds and others are difficult at best, probably the way it is with even those without any health problems.

My best to all who visit this website and to your precious companion dogs. After having much disappoint and ill-luck with trying to find a companion after loosing my "Skippy" in March 2009 (Therapet/owned for nearly 11 yrs., loved forever), I had to reach a sensible conclusion that perhaps finding a companion just was'nt in the cards for me for whatever reason(s) and accept the things in which I could not change.

There simply wasn't any dog that was working out for myself or my family, despite how "perfect" the addition seemed to be. I began to do much soul-searching. Perhaps I wanted too much. Perhaps I was looking for faults in every dog. Even perhaps I was unknowingly comparing each dog to my "Skippy", long gone from my life but never my heart or mind. I was forced to look at the situations for what each were, individually and collectively.

Finally I did understand things more clearly. 1)there really are crooked people out to simply make a dollar regardless
2)no one dog or animal will ever be alike and
3)I was afraid of becoming attatched and having to go through loving and letting go again.
I had to clear these things from myself before I could ever move forward really. And I did.
There will ALWAYS be crooked, untruthful people, NO animal will ever be like any other and we ALL have to leave this Earth, all of us. We simply must love while we have people, animals, it does'nt matter what it is that we love, just be certain to love with all of your heart and let tomorrow take care of itself. I am thankful that I had "Skippy" for so many years. I also had my own Daddy for 40 years as well (he passed from cancer unexpectantly in December of 2008 and he gave me "Skippy").

Now and only now do I understand fully. Hold on to the things that last and love lasts. I believe in the old saying that everything happens for a reason. I've always believed that but perhaps moreso these days. "Skippy" was a very bright spot in my life. He kept my fears from being so over-powering. He kept me strong. He certainly had a big heart and a love for us, his family, and his life, which really was the simple things in life, if you look at life from a dog's view for a moment. Regardless he remained with me until the very end when he took his last breath.

I'd done anything to have saved him, then and now but I have also learned that "bartering" with God simply won't work. Now I understand that I'll be with him again, in my own time. That is the way God designed all of us, animals alike. I did not give up on the possibility of another companion, even after the loses of the other ones prior to "Skippy". I knew if it were meant to be then it would happen, in it's own time. Perhaps I was the one who was'nt ready before. I spoke with a very nice older woman on Wednesday. My husband thought maybe I should reach out and try to find myself another companion and let the past hardships go. I never expected mine and the woman's talk to be so good or promising.

She has a male Miniature Schnauzer, salt n' pepper, 2 yrs. old who has been her world. She got the dog at 4 wks. old. He was'nt bought, he was gave to her in a very special way to this woman. Her son was giving this then puppy to his girlfriend as an engagement present. He bought the dog. He was killed 2 days later in a car accident. I trully felt the mother's pain but not quite and as a mother myself I pray that I am spared from that particular grief. She had a massive heart attack about 5-6 mos. ago and has decided that she can not physically care for the dog. He sounds perfect for me, for my family. She wants to give me all of his belongings as this was personally difficult for her to do. My heart tells me that he is supposed to be with me and with my family.

He has been well cared for and UTD on all vaccinations. He is simply spoiled but I understand how that goes with these dogs, My "Skippy" received Christmas stockings, Easter treats, presents for no reason other than I just thought of him, you name it. I do not see this new Schnauzer living any other way. I won't say more. I am confident that this decision will be the right one for both us and the new addition. I've already gave it over to God so I know that everything will work out the way that it should.

Take care Max and all the best to everyone here. Thank you for reading my letter.

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Jun 28, 2010
Nice to hear from you
by: Linda and Max

It is very nice to hear from you again, Elizabeth.
We know that our visitors are interested to hear youre astory and progress.
Good luck,
Linda and Max

Jun 14, 2010
With Many Thanks...
by: Elizabeth

Thank you Cindi and to everyone who may have read my current story/situation. I am sorry for your loss with Holly, deeply sorry. I understand fully how it hurts to have our closest companion leave us behind. For quite awhile I thought that "Skippy" maybe somehow would just come back, as if it were all some bad dream. I'd pick him flowers (he's buried underneath our cedar tree in our front yard, where a breeze blows, my chimes ring and the birds frequent) thinking for each flower I placed, the more God would realize how much we needed him here with us. Then I became angry. I was also trying to come to terms with loosing my father 2 mos. prior and my own health issues which are terminal. I can not explain to you the hurt, misery and confusion that I felt for so long. Some days were more than I could stand. "Skippy" was not just a dog, he was my theraputic best friend. He was'nt "supposed" to leave before me. That was my thinking...then. Only God and God alone carried me through this grief, with my father and best friend alike. Our new Schnauzer is wonderful, I am glad to report. He's very loving, smart and playful. We've had him almost 2 days and he is already attatched to myself, our son and to my husband. He came into our home and it was as if he'd been here his entire life. This decision, this time, feels so right for us and when you know, well, you just know. He is not a registered dog. He did not cost alot of money. In my own mind, you can buy these expensive, registered animals, bring them home and they just may not be the perfect addition to your family afterall. It does'nt take registration papers or even a high price to make a loving animal whatsoever. I encourage you to continue with the rescue of these precious souls. They too are worthy of health, happiness and love just as much as any other. Thank you again for your nice comment and best of everything to you and yours. God bless.

Jun 13, 2010
Thank you!
by: Cindi

Your story is beautiful! It brought a tear to my eye. I certainly can relate to your loss. You will love your schnauzer. My husband and I rescue them. Two of them were throw aways; one was born with a heart deformity and the other was left at a shelter to be put down for no reason. We have six total and the loss of our Holly last December was more than I could bear. She was my favorite. We rescued her from a puppy mill where she was bred every heat for over eight years. She died of breast cancer. She took her last breath in my arms. I thank God for the three short years we had her bt a greater love there never was. Good luck to you....I know you will be very happy with your new companion.

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