When can I give my Schnauzer its first bath?

by T-10

When can I give my Schnauzer its first bath? He was born on October 19, 2013. Can I bathe him on his 7th week? Thank you.

It is too soon to bathe your puppy, wait until he is older. He doesn't need a bath yet

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Dec 07, 2013
When can I give my Schnauzer first bath?
by: Toni

If your mini-Schnauzer is in a clean environment, I would wait until after he is at least 4 or 5 months old (especially if it is winter and cold where you are so it won't dry out the natural oils on his skin). Also, when you do give the first bath, hold your hands over the openings in his ears so you don't get water in them and cause an infection, and be sure to use a doggie shampoo. I use a medicated Epi-shampoo or an oatmeal shampoo because my mini has very sensitive skin and scratches a lot. Be sure that bath time is calm and not scary. I put a big pan in the bathtub and wash my mini in the pan of warm water, then dump and rinse her VERY WELL with a plastic container. If you leave any shampoo on the dog he will get "dandruff" white scaly stuff in his fur and not look clean. I am careful not to get water in my mini's eyes or nose, and I wash her beard from each side, carefully. I tried the blow dryer but she doesn't like it, so I towel dry her with a big bath towel. Be prepared for a fun time after towel drying as dogs will go wildly running around right after a bath (this is also how my mini broke her cruciate ligament trying to jump on my bed in her excitement at 5 months old!) My mini doesn't volunteer for a bath, but she tolerates it very well, and will even stay in the bath pan if I have to go into the other room to get something. I bathe my mini about once a month because I walk her every day and she plays in the yard and does get dirty. If you walk your dog, another important thing is to wash off their feet EVERY TIME when you get home to be sure road salt and chemicals along your way are not on the paws for your mini to lick (and get sick). You will love your mini! And with any luck he will be one that loves his bath and looks forward to it. They are very smart and very stubborn and you will have to outsmart him every day of his life! Good luck!
Thanks for the detail, Toni. It looks like sound advice

Dec 06, 2013
Thank you!
by: T-10

Okay, I'll take your advice.
Thank you so much, Linda and Max! :-)

Dec 05, 2013
Bathing your Schnauzer
by: Anonymous

It is far too soon to bath your wee lad. You don't want him to be frightened or resent having a nice bath but you could cause him to feel like that by imposing that too early in his life.

Dec 04, 2013
by: Anonymous

What inoculations has you pup had? I ask because most vets recommend not showering your pup for ten days after an inoculation.

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