Why Do My Schnauzer's Legs Tremble?

by Bill

When my 12-year old miniature Schnauzer, Tasha and I go on our walks, if we stop to look at something, sometimes her back leg will tremble. Many times I've noticed it's when she has her front legs up on the curb. Is this tremor something I should be concerned about?

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Feb 16, 2023
Shaking back legs
by: Anonymous

I have a 11 year old mini Schnoodle, in good health except schnauzer bumps and a little e elevated troponin level. His back legs quiver (shake) when we stop to talk to people while walking.
He still jumps on and off our bed during the day where he loves to sleep, he still chases toys and eats very well.
I hope his quivering back legs is just a sign of old age and nothing else, he is our best dog ever.

Nov 19, 2022
end of life for 17 year old schnauzer
by: Anonymous

What are the signs his number is up .Walks difficulty on three legs sleeps all day yet like to get out and limp around sniffs and smells .He is also deaf and often loses direction when on move .

Dec 19, 2021
good advice from ML
by: Linda

Your advice: Dogs shouldn't be jumping up on furniture and back down either. There should be a ramp.

I completely agree with you there, ML, don't allow Schnauzers to jump up and down -especially young dogs, it can damage their joints.

Nov 25, 2021
Leg Shaking
by: ML

Our pug had this issue, and we took him to an AVCA chiropractor and he was like a puppy again. I've heard this with many breeds including terriers. Back end issues happen very often rehashed to chiropractic needs and the dog won't digress from normal activity, but it doesn't mean they're not uncomfortable, and it does get worse over time if it's a chiropractic need. Our Olde English Bulldog was the same. Chiropractic fixed it.

Dogs shouldn't be jumping up on furniture and back down either. There should be a ramp.


Dec 12, 2020
Almost 14 year old with CKD
by: Anonymous

My Bella will be 14 next month. This year she was diagnosed with kidney disease and possibly liver disease. I have noticed in the last 4-5 months, trembling in her back legs. She seems to be in no pain and the vet really has no explanation. Bella runs, walks plays etc like a 2 yr old.

NOTE FROM LINDA: Bless her. Excellent that Bella is not in any pain, sounds like she is still very much enjoying life.

Aug 07, 2020
trembling schnauzer
by: Anonymous

To add to my comment earlier,
Bella is 12. My vet checks her regularly and always says "She's 12 going on 2" She's spry, chases chimpmunks, runs circles around her sister ( 7 year old Goldendoodle) She NEVER stops explorying when she's out in the yard. When she's excited, or when she's resting I've noticed the trembling in the last few months. Otherwise, she seems fine and healthy and happy.

Aug 07, 2020
Trembling legs
by: Anonymous

Oh my goodness. I just googled this for my 12 year old mini schnauzer too!
She's the same. I'm looking at her sleeping right now and her front leg is extended and trembling a little. She, too, stands and I'll notice sometimes that her back leg is trembling.

Nov 05, 2018
my mini schnauzer's back leg shakes all the time
by: Sabrina

I have read the comments here and it seems a lot of the schnauzers legs tremble however it doesn't answer the questions why this is happening and the cause, what i can do to fix this?
NOTE FROM LINDA: You may not be able to 'fix' it. If your Schnauzer isn't in pain and it doesn't seem to bother her, then it may be OK to leave it. If you think it's a problem, get her checked out by a vet, and/or try natural remedies for the shakes. Good luck. (Max's legs used to tremble, but not all the time, but it didn't bother him).

Aug 13, 2018
Schnauzer Tremble
by: Ruth

Our Schnauzer Pepper is 16 years old. Adopted him from the pound when he was 9 months old. He had been abused, broken ribs etc and could not even roll over on his back for a year.

A couple of years ago he also began to tremble in his back legs (only when he is standing). Looks like he is quivering but does not affect him. Still loves his walks and chasing a ball although not as far as he used to.

He has been the most awesome dog ever! He has Schnauzer bumps and had a seizure about 4 years ago (only once). Other then that he has never been sick in all the time we have had him.

May 22, 2018
trembling legs
by: Anonymous

My 12 year old had the same problem. Stop feeding her red meat. Get away from meats except for some chicken. Mix sweet potatoes vegetables the dog likes with the chicken.

Apr 06, 2018
Should I be worried?
by: Linda Rae

My 12 yr old male schnauzer, Boris, started a year ago with a little shaking in his rear leg for a minute, and now it is both back legs and lasts longer. He appears to be in no pain. Will run or move and he has been to 2 Vets. They both have no idea. They guess that it could be something with a nerve, but surgery and hopes of discovering why seem to be a shot in the dark. I just wonder if there is anything I could do.
NOTE FROM LINDA: Many Schnauzers tremble, especially as they get older. If he seems otherwise well, I would leave him, it is a Schnauzer quirk. Certainly don’t consider surgery unless it gets really bad and a vet can find a specific cause.
Good luck with Boris

Dec 22, 2016
schnauzer leg tremble
by: John

I have 3 miniature schauzers and only one has a rear leg tremble. Guinness is high strung ...hes done it since puppy hood with no other issues, he's 10. Only happens went he's smelling something

Dec 14, 2015
Trembling and hip pain in my 2 year old schnauzer Max
by: Anonymous

My two year old salt and pepper schnauzer is also called Max! We have two schnauzers, our older dog is four and has never had shaky legs but the other day Max had a real case of them. It seems he has an issue with his hips and doesn't want to jump up like he used to but apart from that is fine on walks. He seems a bit more subdued generally but apart from that he is OK. We are going to get the vet to look at his hips now as when we took him initially last week they ran his bloods and checked for pancreatitis and all was fine. They gave us some pain killers for him and we gave him some which mostly made him sleepy. My wife remembered him having a spasm previously as a puppy when he literally keeled over but the vet found nothing and he has since been fine. I will keep people posted re the next vet visit. First was eye-achingly expensive at £212. Andrew B

Fingers crossed that he is ok, best wishes, Linda and Max

Jan 07, 2015
shaky legs
by: chris

1 week age, while out on a long walk my mini shnauzer's front legs started trembling and she refused to walk any further. One vet said get her tested for liver shunt and total profile(cost with consultation £110)All came back clear, so another vet advised cortizone injections. just been to see another vet that says she is absolutely fine. It's just a thing with terrier type dogs and have shorter walks for the time being. This is what I thought, so what a waste of money but at least we got piece of mind.

Yes, shaking with Terriers is not uncommon, Max does nit sometimes. It could also be due to the snow or frost, usually nothing to worry about, as your vet said. Glad your dog's well.

Jan 05, 2015
shaky front legs
by: chris

My mini shnauzer is 20 months old and last week while it was white over with frost we went on our usual walk. two thirds the way she started trembling in her front legs and refused to walk so we carried her back to the car. I read on one site that its a thing with shnauzers so didnt worry but today the same thing happened. not happy so going to vets in morning.

Jul 25, 2014
My schnauzer's front legs tremble.
by: Anonymous

I've noticed for years that my 6 year old female schnauzer, Gracie, had shaky front legs when in a sitting position with weight not completely on the front legs. I didn't worry about it until today. Her front legs were shakng when she was standing. We had been on a mile walk and she was panting also. I've been reading on this tonight and one site mentioned the possibility of a liver shunt. She has had a slightly elevated alt liver enzyme for 9 months. Going to the vet next week and will ask if these are related. Has anyone else experienced this? She runs and jumps around most of the day like nothing's wrong.

Jul 16, 2014
Why Do My Schnauzer's Legs Tremble?
by: Anonymous

I am fostering a 10 yr old male dog right now whose legs do the same. Did you ever figure out the issue?

It is not unusual, sometimes it doesn't mean anything. Some Terriers' legs also tremble sometimes. Hopefully there is not a serious underlying cause. Good luck with your fostering.

Jul 16, 2014
Why Do My Schnauzer's Legs Tremble?
by: Anonymous

I am fostering a 10 yr old male dog right now whose legs do the same. Did you ever figure out the issue?

Sep 30, 2013
Trembling Legs
by: Anonymous

That's good news about Libby - we have a mini who is going to be 11 in November. Griffin's legs shake when he is tired or exited. So far his health has been good except for one big scare 2 years ago - he had bladder stones, and had to go for emergency surgery. (special diet now, no more regular doggie treats). Sometimes we notice his back bothers him, and he is getting odd fat deposits on his body (we've been told that they are benign cysts).

Jan 03, 2013
legs tremble
by: cori

I took Libby to the Vet, he gave her a shot of rimadyl and put her on prednisone for 8 days. she us doing so much better and walking today. your website has helped me and Libby, thank you so much! :)

That's wonderful news, Cori

Jan 01, 2013
Back legs shake
by: Cori

I have a mini schnauzer, Libby. She is 14 years old and has had disc disease since she was 4. I got scared last night when she got up from her sleep and started screaming and wouldn't put her back left leg on the ground. She trembled as I held her. I held her until she quit trembling (that's when I knew the pain had subsided), and placed her back into her bed.
She has acted fine up until last night, I'm scared and worried for her, but I don't like to see or hear her in pain. She still has an appetite and her back legs tremble all of the time.

With that amount of pain and at her age, we would recommend a visit to the vet to get to the root of the problem and see if medication is required to relieve pain, stiffness or a neural complaint.

Feb 08, 2012
minischnauzer trembling back legs
by: Cat

I have a fairly petite, female, miniature schnauzer and her back legs have trembled for many years, during our walks. I don't know if she gets highly excited over everything she sees during our walks, or what. I live in woodlands in a very, very dog friendly community. Everyone has at least one or two dogs. Which hieghtens the excitement for her, along with the scents of wildlife. She hasn't had any major medical problems and is approaching 12 years of age. So, in my case, it doesn't appear to be something to worry about. She doesn't have a lot of arthritis nor hip problems. Thank goodness.

Jul 02, 2011
Legs Tremble
by: Debbie

Our 12 year old mini started doing the same thing, we cut down on her walks only taking her on shorter walks when cool. We also started making sure we had water on walks. At 13 she started having seizures. We lost her shortly after that.

Dec 20, 2010
shaking legs
by: Peter Foley

I have a giant schnauzer and his right hind leg shakes while he stands. We went to our vet and he heard a click sound under his belly between the legs when he stretched the rear legs. He suggested we use a different brand of food. So far we have not seen any change except in my food bill. His hips are fine but that leg is weaker than the left one, I can tell when I groom him as his muscles in that leg are not as developed as the other leg. You can see "Kessler" sitting in the water's edge not sure if he wants to swim or not.
I grew up with Irish Wolfhounds and thought they were just the best until I found my giant schnauzer.

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